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International Congresses on Education 2024

Cunda Island/Balıkesir    13-15 September / 2024


Educational Researches and Publications Associations (ERPA) was established in 2012 in Sakarya/Turkey. The aim of ERPA is to support and perform researches, studies, publications and meetings related to education and to cooperate with people and corporations so as to perform effective and productive studies.

In order to fulfill one of its aims of establishment which was to organize course, workshop, seminar, panel, conference, ERPA has decided to organize the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2024 that will be held  in Cunda Island/Balıkesir from 13 to 15 September 2024. The main purposes of the congress are:

  • To discuss new developments and  trends in the field of education,
  • To help researchers benefit from new findings of the research in education,
  • To provide researchers a platform to share and discuss their research results,
  • To evaluate the findings of the research in the light of their contribution to education,
  • To create a discussion environment about training qualified teachers.

Eğitim Araştırmaları ve Yayınları Derneği (ERPA) 2012 yılında Sakarya’da kurulmuştur. Derneğin amacı eğitime ilişkin toplantılar, yayınlar, çalışmalar ve araştırmaları desteklemek ve organize etmek; bunun yanında etkili ve verimli çalışmalar ortaya koymak için kişi ve kurumlarla işbirliği yapmaktır.

Amaçlarından biri olan kongre, konferans, panel, seminer, toplantı vb. düzenlemek için dernek, 13-15 Eylül 2024  tarihleri arasında Cunda Adası/Balıkesir'de ERPA Uluslararası Eğitim Kongreleri 2024'ü düzenlemeyi planlamaktadır. Düzenlenecek olan bu kongrenin temel amaçları;

  • Eğitim alanındaki yeni yönelim ve gelişmeleri tartışmak,
  • Araştırmacıların eğitim alanındaki yeni bulgulardan yararlanmaları,
  • Araştırma bulgu ve sonuçlarını tartışacakları bir platform sunma,
  • Araştırma bulgularını eğitime katkı açısından değerlendirmeleri,
  • Nitelikli öğretmen yetiştirmeye ilişkin bir tartışma ortamı sunmaktır.




Virtual Presentation About



Zoom Linki:

Toplantı Kimliği: 899 0833 9698

Parola: 387517




Zoom Linki: 

Toplantı Kimliği: 862 7080 6657
Parola: 872523

Date of Announcement:   2024-09-14

Detailed Congress Programme of ERPA 2024

Detailed Congress Programmes of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2024 is available below.

For General Congress Programme please cilick here  

For Single Oral Presentations please click here

For Virtual Presentations please click here  

Date of Announcement:   2024-09-19

New Abstract Submission Deadline

Due to your intense expression of interest in participating, we are pleased to announce that the Abstract Submission Deadline has been extended!

New Abstract Submission Deadline is:  06  September 2024

Date of Announcement:   2024-09-02


Dear ERPA participants,

Selected proceedings in ERPA Congresses on Education 2024 will be sent to the journal of SHS Web of Conferences for publication (if the authors request and pay the publication fee)ERPA 2015 and ERPA 2016, , ERPA 2017, ERPA 2018 and ERPA 2019 issues that are published in SHS Web of Conferences have already indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge. These proceedings should be well-written in terms of language use (the language of proceedings is English) and should be 5 to 8 pages in length.

Sincerely yours,

ERPA Organizing Committee

Date of Announcement:   2024-08-19

Message from General Coordinator

Dear Colleagues,

It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you to the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2024 that will be held in Cunda Island from 13 to 15 September 2024. It is an honor for us to invite you to ERPA International Congresses on Education 2024 in which your invaluable contributions will help us to have a fruitful organization. I hope that you will have pleasant memories of this Congress which will be a chance for you to meet colleagues, have the opportunity to discuss your work, and establish the ground for new collaborations and joint efforts.

I look forward to meeting you in the congress.

With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Fikret SOYER

Date of Announcement:   2024-04-23
